Studio Policies

Photo Credit
Allison Fern Clausius
Student/Family Responsibilities:
Students agree to show up on time, well prepared with all materials. While early arrival is important and appreciated, please refrain from coming into the studio more than 5 minutes before your lesson. It can be distracting to the lesson in process. There is a small table and chairs in the foyer for students to sit while waiting.
If something is happening at home or school that is affecting your child, please let me know. (Major disappointments in school, home/family illnesses.) It helps me to be more sensitive to the needs of him/her. A quick text on the way to the lesson can make the difference between a great lesson and a difficult one.
The student, parents, and teacher are all part of the team that leads to your child’s success. Parental involvement and encouragement can benefit your child’s progress greatly. Ask them to play for you at home, review their practice records and keep open communication about their struggles. Bring any concerns to my attention so I can address them and help alleviate practice issues. Parent observation is encouraged, especially with younger students. As students get older they may not be as comfortable with parents observing their lessons.
Regular, consistent practice is an integral part of learning an instrument. Please see to it that your child practices within the first 24 hours after a piano lesson. I will write specific practice instructions in the studio practice application to which I subscribe. It is imperative that they review them at every practice session and record their practice times in the app. It is also important that students have well-groomed, clean fingernails.
Suggested Practice:
Beginners: first 2 years of study – 20 - 30 minutes, 5-6 days per week
Intermediate: 2-5 years of study – 30 - 45 minutes, 5 -6 days per week
Advanced: 5 plus years of study – 45 - 90 minutes, 5-6 days per week
Instruments & Materials:
Instruments: Students must have an acoustic piano to practice at home. All keys and pedals need to be in working order. Suggested maintenance for your piano is twice/year. Contact me if you need the name and number of a local piano tuner.
Metronome: By the second year of lessons, every student should have a good metronome. There are acceptable metronomes apps available for electronic devices.
Materials: Music/method books will be distributed and billed for reimbursement at the end of the month. Heidi subscribes to a studio Practice Application for students to receive their written assignments and log their daily practice time.
Lessons and Tuition:
Tuition is based on enrollment, not attendance. It reserves your student’s exclusive lesson time throughout the year. Tuition covers weekly private lessons during your scheduled time and studio classes. It also covers my studio expenses, piano tunings, lesson preparation, memberships and attendance at local, state and national professional organizations.
30, 45 and 60-minute lessons are available. 45-minute lessons are suggested for the majority of my studio, even beginners. 30 minute options will be considered on a case by case basis.
Lesson Calendar:
30 - Scheduled weekly lessons - (Divided into three 10 week trimesters—fall, winter, spring)
Tuition/Payment Options:
Students have the option of paying tuition in one of the two following discounted methods.
1) Nine equal installments. Due the first of the month.
2) Three equal installments. Due at the beginning of each trimester: See Studio Calendar for dates.
NOTE: Tuition not paid 10 days after it’s due, is subject to a $20 late fee.
Summer Lessons:
For consistency in learning, it is important that lessons be continued throughout the summer. Summer enrollment guarantees a lesson time for the fall. Summer scheduling/tuition options are presented in the Spring.
Missed Lessons:
No payment credit or make up lessons will be provided for students who miss lessons. Family or medical emergencies will be handled on a case by case basis. Occasionally, if you have advance notice of a conflict, perhaps another student would be willing to swap times with you. With a minimum of 48 hours notice, I will work to see if that can happen. If possible, please give 24 hours notice if your child can't make it because of illness. Please don't send them to the lesson sick. If they stay home from school due to illness, let me know in the morning if you would like an online lesson so I have time to prepare and set up a zoom link. Additionally, if students are exhibiting coughs, sneezing or runny nose, etc., I will require them to wear a mask to stop the spread of illness in my studio.
I will be available for lessons on official school "Snow Days." Lessons missed due to weather cannot be made up or refunded. Online options are available if the roads are too difficult to navigate.
Flex Weeks:
In addition to the scheduled breaks for the Holidays, there are four unpaid weeks throughout the year that I will use as needed for time off for professional development/personal use/illness. Advance notice of these weeks will be given when possible.
Performance Opportunities:
Students in my studio have several opportunities to perform throughout the year. Some of these events are limited to certain age groups, while others offer opportunities for students of all ages. A few have minimal additional costs for participation and will be billed accordingly. Please refer to the Studio Calendar for a list of them. These will be available in the first week of Fall Lessons. There is a certain level of dedication expected from students selected to participate in these performances/festivals. I reserve the right to make the final decision on participation. I never want students to walk into something that could be detrimental to them emotionally.
Studio Classes:
There will be two scheduled performance classes in preparation for winter festivals and the spring recital. They will be held in my studio in January and May. Please write down the dates at the beginning of the school year and make every effort to have your student attend. This is an important opportunity for student engagement and peer support to help them prepare for performance situations. Dates will be on the Studio Calendar.